After YCDI gave me the opportunity to go to england to present, I've decided to share the time i've spent there.
THE ARRIVAL: we arrived around mid day with luckly clear skies but VERY cold weather. After a 8-10 hour plane ride we stayed on a 3+ hour bus ride; but the unique and amazing view made up for the long journey.
After we arrived at Oxford we got our rooms which were to die for , then we met up with Sam and went shopping.
THE MALL: We went to the mall around 6-7 pm to shop and eat ; which is when the adults were talking and overpromoting a shopping story CALLED: PRIMART.
I remember them, especially Sam. She talked about it like someone talking about something they are passionate about. I remembered at first I was thinking that it was not a big deal but after Isaw it i knew what the big deal was, as well as the trip
I think that was one of my favouite places I went to.
INSIDE THE MALL: when we got inside the mall they just recently added a top floor where we could see the view; (Which this is where the picture above is from.). The view looked so unreal in real life, it looked like a old movie scene, like a it was a lucied dream; Though it was feezing the moment was to die for. Which we then went to PRIMARK, (which is a Clothing store) which is where I saw clothing heaven and where Sam bought me an outfit that I ended loving VERY much.
FIRST MEAL: Before I begin I want to say i am a pickyeater and with that; Now onto my first meal which was...... Chinese nodles. I am going to get to the point it was AWFUL. the soup i got was "sweet and sour"and i did not enjoy it at all and ended giving it to Sam.
After the long day we went back to our rooms, we said our goodbye and went to sleep.
SHOPPING: I woke up the next day, got dressed and went to Fiona's room before going to get breakfast; After Me and started working on the big and little detail on our spaces for a while before later in the day, me and Fiona went shopping at The Covered Market. At the Covered Market Fiona and I Looked around before Fiona found a store that sold stuff that looked like older items. She bought bags for herself and family as well as jewellery. After we went to a cookie shop were we bought one of the BEST cookies from Ben's cookies; I enjoyed it very much, to me it was not too sweet and it had a lot of chocolate chips It was one of the best i have had; while Fiona enjoyed it but was too sweet for her. Then met up with the others before going to Christ Church.
CHRIST CHURCH: In the night we went to a church called Christ Church which was an amazing expirience. As we got inside the church we were seated by one of the workers and she had handed us a small book that was filled with songs and a run through of the service. The singing was very majestic, and felt like music to my ears like it could heal all problems; when it finished we went to take photos before saying our good byes and taking out leaves.
End of day two (2)
TOUR OF OXFORD AND ITS HISTORY: On day 3 we got a tour guild to tell us and show us around oxford. We arrived before the tour had begun so me and my shopping partner (Fiona) decided to go looking around the nearest shops for a few minutes but didn't buy anything because of time and gathred back together and the tour started. We gatherd with other people before the guide introduced herself then spoke about the history and walked us to a cylinder shaped building and told us about Albert Einstein; before going to a library/museum.
At the library/museum the guide gave us a maximum of 2 minutes to look around, while everyone else was loking at the museum me and chesine saw a drawing area and started drawing but was not able to finish the drawing sadly. The tour had continued while the guide showed us and told us about the history and some very interesting facts about Oxford, the tour was fun even though we did not finish it i really liked the buildings most of them looked like castles you would see in princess movies.
we then went back to the dorm area and to the library were we learnt more about history and even took a picture infront of Norman Manley's room
MUSEUM: After we left the library we went to a museum which after some looking found out is called Ashmolean Museum which was an adventure. We entered the museum and normally i would not be amazed but was so mesmerized by the old stuff that looked like old egipt. I was very intrigued with the history an even more of the mummies that i saw. After looking around i saw a drawing area which i stayed there for maybe too long to the point i lost the others; After looking around i found the others where we saw old bodies of mummies which i kept going back to. After we went up to the next floor where we saw art work which Fiona later joined us and told me that there was a gift shop which i went and looked around but didn't buy anything because i couldn't decide so i went back to the others; no, sorry TRIED to before i got lost because of how big the museum was, but after a while of looking found _______ i thought I was saved nope he was also lost. It didn't take long before we found them; I then went back to the gift shop but this time with Sam and ended up getting a small bunny plush and we all left right after. we got dinner which was really good.
After that long day this was the end of day
WORK DAYS 3-4: After the days of fun we still had quite a bit of work to do still, since I had the most work to do i saw so stressed and was trying to get as much as i could get done. we worked for 2 days before the big event, and spent all of our time working and struggling but had our laughes here and there.
DAY OF THE EVENT: HERE IT IS THE BIG DAY, THE REASON WE WERE THERE; I was SOO hiped for it but i would be lying if i said i was not scared. I had not finished my space and or it did not look or worked how i wanted it so i was having a hard time in the beginning but thanks to this girl in the picture which made my day; I really want to thank her once more because she was really nice and a angel to be around even though there was ALOT issue with my base. The event started slow but not after lots of people started coming in an asked very smart questions which i could see that the others were relief which made me happy. As the event came to an end i was really happy and relaxed and rewared myself by watching anime; but didnt stay up late because of the long day i had tomorrow.
THE LAST DAY: THIS WAS THE LAST DAY, we had alot of places to go, which took up the hole day. we were to get ready around 6:30am or so; We were on a long bus ride to london, i didnt get to see any of the cool scenery but i did see a scenery but i did see a squirrel which was my frist time seeing one ever. When we got off the bus we had to walk for what felt like hours but Chris kept me busy where he quized me on british slag and also on the way we saw a SNAPCHAT CAR, yes you heard right we saw a snapchat which was really fun to see everthing; before we arrived at... THE JAMAICAN HIGH COMMISSION OF THE UK. WE arrived at the high commission where we introduced him to YCDI and the metaverseand even had a good talk, he was really fun and nice to talk to before we left we took this picture and said our good bye and went to a university and tested a new Vr chat which was AMAZING but then we went to eat.
AT THE BUCKINGHAM PALACE: I know in the picture it looks sky looks bright but trust me it was REALLY dark and my legs were freezing. Chris and I arrived before everyone else and saw one of those love cart ride things for couples and took a picture infront of it but.. didn't turn out too great because of the lights. The palace was to die for i was Amazingly beautiful and was VERY huge and felt like I was in an royal movie, that is how unreal it felt. There was a huge fountain which was crowed with people chilling and taking photos. We then walked to BIG BEN; While we were walking to big ben we saw DUCKS, they were so cute and I had to take photos of them before we continued (We also saw another palace and a telephone booth on the way as well). When we made it to big ben we took photos before buying souvenirs for family and friends and made our way home. <3